David Webb is co-author of the What We Believe series, Apologia’s acclaimed biblical worldview curriculum for ages 6 to 14. As a longtime veteran of Christian publishing, he has developed books and resources alongside many of today’s leading Christian writers, including Randy Alcorn, Joshua Harris, Shaunti Feldhahn, Andy Stanley, Bruce Wilkinson, Coach Joe Gibbs, and Dr. James Dobson. Prior to his publishing career, David worked in the motion picture industry and was a leader in adult education in Los Angeles. As an educator, he taught a popular film class where he counted among his guest speakers Academy Award-winning actors, directors, producers, and writers. Today, David serves as executive editor for Apologia Educational Ministries. His books with John Hay of Summit Ministries include Who Is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?), Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?), and Who Is My Neighbor? (And Why Does He Need Me?). Their latest collaboration is What on Earth Am I Doing Here? which presents a biblical worldview of stewardship. David and his wife, Peggy, have homeschooled their six children since 1990.