Linda Crosby is an author, speaker, humorist and homeschool mom from Phoenix, Arizona. Most importantly, she is a believer and encourages others in their relationship with the Lord. She has taught in public and private schools, kindergarten, junior high and special education. Since 2001 Linda has been homeschooling her four children and teaching literature/history classes. Linda has been encouraging audiences across the USA and Canada since 2003 with a message of hope, laughter, and endurance. Linda’s book titles include Laughing in the Midst of Mothering and Laughing in the Midst of Marriage. She has also been a contributing author to an historical series as well as KONOS curriculum. Rick and Linda served on a state homeschool board for six years and are now focusing their time and attention on their youngest daughter who is in her senior year. Linda takes a fancy to playing board games, fishing, painting, and nature journaling, all of which are incorporated in their homeschool adventure. Her mission is to spread joy!