Robin Finley is a 33-year veteran middle and high school language arts teacher. She began writing her course in grammar, punctuation, and usage in 1981 when her Language Arts department refused to purchase any grammar book for her classes, grammar having been deemed “useless” in the improvement of their writing! She worked on and perfected her course until 1995 when she was approached by the teachers of a local private school, asking if she would sell it to them. She then began attending home schooling conventions, and the rest – as they say – is history. She has since expanded her list of products to a grammar course for elementary students and units on teaching the research paper and the 5-paragraph essay. She is currently at work on a series of high school reinforcement books so busy high school students can keep their grammar skills sharp without having to work on it every day. Robin enjoys nothing more than sharing her materials and her teaching techniques and skills with home teachers in her workshops.