Dr. Davis is a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) for over 24 years. Her specialty is severe and complex communication disorders across the lifespan. She has presented research at national and international conferences. She encourages families to never give up when facing serious physical and cognitive disabilities, or the challenging chaos of giftedness whether in public speaking or in private therapy sessions. Her ministry also includes interpreting for the Deaf at church functions. Currently, her primary job is traditional homeschooling two children for nearly 12 years. In 2013, new food allergy diagnoses radically changed life at home. As a result, Rhonda turned her researching skills towards food allergies and nutrition. Life with health problems does not stop her or her family from their family motto ‘Go! See! Do!’ They travel the country learning and exploring together while adapting to physical limitations and food allergies. Rhonda continues to research and share practical information for homeschoolers to help those who homeschool. The main focus of her presentations is research-based therapy techniques, her “thinking outside the box” innovative ideas for homeschooling, and winning with food issues within the home. As a published author, she writes practical tips for applying research findings and personal experiences for other families to improve their quality of life. She posts new information and words of encouragement at mentalmuttering.com and www.facebook.com/RhondaDavisAuthor/.