Sara Yamtich has a Masters in Social Work and spent nearly 10 years working in social justice policy in Missouri, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, and East Africa. In 2012, she earned her certification as a life coach and began coaching gifted adults on how to manage their intensity and multipotentiality. During that time, she was an official GHF blogger, where she wrote about adult giftedness. As she learned how to market herself as a coach, she also began providing digital marketing services to other educators and service providers in the gifted education field. A seasoned mompreneur, she now runs her own marketing agency and is mama to a brilliant (and adorable) 3-year-old boy. This fall, she and her business partner, Janeen Williams, are opening OAK Roots Academy, a home-based micro-school for gifted and twice-exceptional children. Sara currently serves as a GHF Regional Contact for the Atlanta area.